I’m working on a Visio that will display some information related to a booking.
I would like to embed the service definition from this specific booking, so the user can visualize the nodes and the configuration that is part of this booking.
I'm having some trouble in setting up the ServiceManager component. I'm using the following shape data:
But for the "Interface=definition", DataMiner Help mentions that it's required to use the specific Session Variable:
My problem is that I can't set the session variable to the Service Definition GUID associated with the booking.
I saw some legacy implementation using the Bookings Overview table from Booking Manager (as the Service Definition GUID was part of the table) but without that table. I can't see any alternative.
Does anyone have an idea for a workaround?
While waiting for an extension of the [reservation:] placeholder to support the Service Definition, a custom script can be implemented to store the service definition guid in a booking property. Then, using the [reservation:] placeholder, the value of that property can be set on the 'SelectedServiceDefinition' session variable