I am trying to hide a shape based on a value from a parameter, but the "Hide" is not working.
The condition in question is verifying if a parameter has a value of 100003, and the condition is defined in the following way:
"<A>-A|Element:[this element]|Parameter: 5511,[parenttableindex]|100003|DefaultReturnValue=False"
If I use this condition with the "Show" or with the "Blink" shape data field type, it works, but with Hide, it doesn't.
When using "Show", the shape starts hidden, but once it gets "Shown" it never hides again, even if the condition gets false.
When using "Blink", if the condition is true, the shape is always blinking, and when the condition is false, it stops blinking, so everything seems to be right.
I also assign the text of the shape to show me the value of the parameter, and it seems to be the correct one.
If instead of my condition, I use: "Hide", with value 1, then the shape gets hidden. This seems to be a bug of some sort.
Is this a known issue, or am I doing something wrong?
Thank you
This issue ended up being caused by Inheritance of the Visio shapes. The different types of inheritance when using grouping are shown within this Dojo course: https://community.dataminer.services/courses/visio/lessons/advanced-shape-linking/topic/grouping/
Do note that the video still uses NoCopyElementProperty, this has been replaced by AllowInheritance=false in more recent versions: https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Basic_Functionality/Visio/reference/Overview_of_page_and_shape_options.html#allowinheritancefalse
This was also the specific option that was used to fix the issue