I have a view which is currently being used to display a property from an element and this works great, I've been tasked with expanding this view in a way that will allow us to do somethign similar for services and display useful info to operators.
Unfortunately some of the information we need is stored with the properties as JSON. Is it possible to extract the JSON based on a key when showing the value of a custom property?
e.g. the property named "EXAMPLE" contains data {"key1":"key1value"} would it be possible to extract just the value. (this is a simplified version for the sake of the question but the principle would likely be the same
Many thanks!
An interesting use case and one that definitely warrants a feature suggestion, but currently the best way to do this would probably be to write a regex that finds your json value, using the placeholder "regexreplace". For your example, the following regexreplace would get your value out of your input, assuming a property named "jsonInput":