I'm running into an peculiar issue with visio windows. I'm building an control visio for our operators based on another visio done by an colleague, while his is attached to an actual element (hence 1 device to control) mine need to talk to 4 different connectors. So i made a view add the 4 elements in that view and attached the visio to that.
What I'm i trying to achieve is an VdxPage Window to show another page where i can set a few parameters based on an index variable that i want to set when opening the VdxPage.
What works in one visio doesn;t work in the other. And the main difference is that one is an element and the other on an view
Config of the working visio:
And not working on an view:
When clicking on the shape in the view it opens an popup but there is nothing shown. If i remove the options hide from that page i can see that the variable is updated but the page is never shown.
It does work on the view with only the VdxPage and Linkoptions shape data. However when i add anything else it will break.
It this known behavior or do I something completely wrong.

We’re running 10.3.6

Odd. I tested on 10.3.7 and did not have the issue there. Nor do we remember over here that a fix would have been made for it. So likely I’m missing something? I’ll send you a mail to follow up further.
Could you confirm if this issue has been resolved, so we can close this question?

Yes Toon contacted me by E-mail.
Having an element linked to an shape while trying to link to an VDX on a view won’t work. A trick with two shapes and one 99% transparent did the trick
What version are you on? It seems to work fine over here (I’m only visualizing a standalone parameter and not a table one, but other than that I think I have the same exact setup, applied to a view).