is there a way to detect if the current view is an function DVE or the main element? What i'm trying to achive is to load an session variable with some information so when an operator clicks the function dve it will show the correct info.
Hi Gerwin,
As far as I am aware there is no direct way of doing this. The only way I could think would be if there was a parameter on the element that would contain a distinct value when on a function DVE vs. the main element.
But since Visios are assigned to connectors and a function DVE is a separate connector from the one of the main elements (although they are linked) you could assign a copy of the Visio with a slight tweak to account for your different needs.

I am not aware of any way of doing a count on the number of rows of a table, but it could be that using a combination of placeholders could help
Having [param:DmaID/ElementID,ParameterID](https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Basic_Functionality/Visio/reference/Placeholders_for_variables_in_shape_data_values.html#paramdmaidelementidparameterid) will return a pipe (“|”) separated result containing all the entries of a given column.
Combining this result with [RegexReplace:x,y,z](https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Basic_Functionality/Visio/reference/Placeholders_for_variables_in_shape_data_values.html#regexreplacexyz) and searching for the presence of the pipe could help a bit but it could be a complex implementation to achieve your desired result.
There is a table with should have one entry on the function dve instead of all the others, but there is no such thing like count i think?