I'm building a ComboBox that allows users to select values from a table.
The selected value is passed to a variable, which is used by the element above (blue) to generate a thumbnail link.
However, I'm facing an issue:
I can't set the ComboBox value to empty. I would like users to have the option to clear the value directly within the ComboBox.
Is it possible to add an unfilled option to the ComboBox? I’d like to avoid introducing a new button to clear the variable of the link.
After your current setvar, you can add something like ":clear". This will add another option to your combobox to clear the value.
I tried implementing this, but this is where my issue lies. The only values I see are from the table; "clear" does not appear in the ComboBox.

Indeed, there is some sugar in the code for QoL implementing of table entries in a dropdown. To avoid having to use an extra placeholder to replace the separator from the param (by default '|') we just check if we have a table entry param in the SetVar. From there on we just fill the combobox with those entries. That complicates the solution a bit but I'll update my answer.