My goal: After someone has selected a service via the setvar drop-down menu, Visio will store that data as "MyVar1" and then in another shape use "MyVar1" to find a specific parameter in a table, and then display that data.
In shape "1"
This part works perfectly - It gets the data from the search bar and the parameter I have given it and then displays the correct details.
In Shape "2" I then want to test the placeholder that I'll be using for Shape 3. So, I would like shapes 1 & 2 to display the same data, but shape 2 doesn't display anything.
In Shape "3"
I then want to use the new placeholder to display a new parameter. But this again doesn't work, and doesn't display anything.
In Shape "4"
This works perfectly - and this is just proof that if I hard-code it, it works.
In theory 1536"test from edge" would = 1536[param:1408*[var:MyVar1]*]
This is what is looks like in DataMiner
Can someone assist in this please? I would love it if Shape 3 could work.
Hi Amber,
There is some great documentation on how you can use placeholders (see docs).
To resolve a parameter, you'll need to specify the element, parameter and index (all separated by commas by default). This should be [param:[this elementid],1408,*[var:MyVar1]*] in your case.

That is indeed what I would expect. You have two param placeholders. The first one does not specify an index, which means it will retrieve all row entries for that column (separated by pipes). Your second placeholder is resolving to ‘Test from edge’.

So would this be the correct code for combining them altogether?
[param:[this elementid],[param:[this elementid],1536],[param:[this elementid],1408,*[var:MyVar1]*]

I believe you’re still missing a closing bracket, other than that it looks good.
Hi Sebastian, Thanks for the reply!! I appreciate it so much!
I might be missing something totally obvious here – but when I type this onto a shape (NO data types or *)
[param:[this elementid],1536],[param:[this elementid],1408,*[var:MyVar1]*]
the result is this:
“16|0|0|88|0|64|0,test from edge”
What do you think I did wrong?