Hi Dojo,
I have a question regarding Visio. Here is the shape data:
So the field is green when no parameters are found (before it was grey). Therefore I added the backgroundcolor field. But will this be overwritten when an alarm is found?

Indeed. ShapeData 'BackgroundColor' gets precedence over a linked shape's alarmcolor. It does however not override the highlight and selection styles.
With what I see in your other shape data it seems difficult, but the only way out currently is to put a regex of sorts on your BackgroundColor that replaces into an empty string when you don't want to display the green default color.
The only other non-scripting I can think out of this is to use a param placeholder to retrieve the right value and then extrapolate towards a color, but I can't tell from your use case if that's an option.
Finally of course, there's the option to execute a script in the background and set a variable from the script that is then used in the BackgroundColor shape data. Dirty solution though and at that point you might want to create a feature suggestion.

Hi Toon,
thanks for your answer. I have used now Show/Hide to remove the shape completely. So doubled the shapes and it should work.

Forgot about that one, good thinking!
Don’t forget to mark the question as solved so we know we don’t have to follow up on this further. Thanks.
It will only stay green. Trying to find another solution