A virtual element is created with some parameters from real elements (devices).
An alarm template is created on the virtual element. One of the parameters is in alarm state.
( The virtual element is restarted. )
The alarm is not coloring the virtual element :
Is this normal behavior or should the virtual element take over the color of the highest alarm within the element?
---- added more screenshots of the virtual/real element ----
When looking at the alarm console, under which element is the alarm registrated? The parent element, the DVE element itself, or a sibling DVE element?
The alarm is generated by the alarm templated linked to the virtual element (virtual protocol) .

If the alarm console is opened, where all the active alarms are present (not the alarm template), there is a column “Element Name”: what does that value mention? Is it the exact same name of the DVE that is opened or is it a different name? It could be that the same parameter is exported to multiple DVEs and in that case only one element will host the alarm
The alarm in the alarm console has exactly the same “ELEMENT NAME” as the virtual element name “SH2W08 (A05) heating control Dish 03” .

In that case it’s not expected that the DVE element is displaying a normal state. As a first suggestion would it be possible to close and reopen DataMiner Cube, to be sure it’s not a refresh issue? If the DVE is still displaying a normal state with an active alarm it will be best to reach out to techsupport@skyline.be for an in-depth investigation
comment: in the real element this parameter is “Normal”, in the real element no alarm is generated! Can this generate a conflict between the real and the virtual element for alarming?
added two more screenshots of the virtual element configuration.