Is it possible to determine if a cluster is cloud connected using an automation script?
I would also need to be able to determine which exact agents in the cluster provide the cloud connection and which ones don't.
Hi Seppe,
I think you should be able to use this message to know if the DMS is registered with dataminer.services (= cloud-connected).
As far as I know there are no other messages to know what 'agents' do provide the cloud-connection, as it could even be a proxy server without DMA installed on it.

Another message “IsAccountCloudLinkedRequest” will check if the DataMiner user sending this message (so the user who executes the automation script in your case) is linked to a dataminer.services account and if so it will also return the email address

After some investigation we found out these messages are not included in the automation/slnettypes nugets and we will have look if we can make them available in the future.
Another message “ValidateDmsExternalAuthenticationRequest” will check if your current cloud registration token is still valid with dataminer.services (if not a ‘renew’ is needed)