I have alarms comin in with the parameter description containing XXXXXX or YYYYYY
I want to filter these using Reg Ex . I have tried the following:-
and others..
So Alarm A comes in with the field Parameter.Description = 'XXXXXX'
then Alarm B comes in with the field Parameter.Description = 'YYYYYY'
the Alarm C comes in with the field Parameter.Description = 'ZZZZZZ'
So I want to use a reg ex to filter on the XXXXXX or YYYYYY only.

Hi Ken, the quick filter in the alarm console probably doesn't support regular expressions. However you could create a new tab that only shows alarms that match a regular expressions. See https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Basic_Functionality/Alarms/Working_with_alarms/Working_with_the_Alarm_Console/Applying_alarm_filters_in_the_Alarm_Console.html#alarm-filters-using-regular-expressions.

The regex needs to match the whole string. So maybe try this as filter: .*(XXXXXX|YYYYYY).*
Hi Ken,
Where are you applying the filters?
e.g. a visio, the alarm console, dashboards