Hi Dojo,
Are there any templates available to help define and create user stories for projects that eventually will also go into the backlog items on Collaboration (dataminer.services)?
This could help us and other users to define clear requirements in a non ambiguous way taking the most common and logical topics into account when creating a user-story.
Thank you!
Hi Thijs, I have the following available for download and the Miro board for viewing, however, if you have a Miro account, you should be able to make a copy and use the layout, let me know if you have any problem accessing.
Word Doc - Company_ProjectName_UserRequirements_v1_template.docx
Excel Workbook - POC_Deployment_Workbook.xlsx
Miro Board Template - https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVKFem6as=/?share_link_id=170062425774
Depending on the scope of the project usually determines which one I use. All of them account for User Story and Story Validation, though not a part of user stories normally, I also add a section for Constraints, Assumptions and Dependencies, so they can be thought about during the story creation.

Hi Steve, thanks for your examples and templates. In the meantime I also experimented with some AI tools like Copilot and ChatGPT. Both were actually also giving a nice start for me to create a complete and comprehensive user-stories. Note that fine-tuning is required for sure to match the actual full expectations of the user story.