After installing a new FO DMA pair when I launch Cube @localhost I am getting this error. I made sure I ticked the Admin box in Custom install
Hi Alex,
First of all my apologies for my late response.
This is unfortunately a known issue that was discovered already internally, however the fix will only be added in the next release 10.4.7 or 10.4.0 CU4.
This doesn't resolve your problem for now.
The problem is that the user isn't saved on one of the locations.
A simple workaround is to create 2 local windows admin accounts. Logon with one of those and do the installation of DataMiner.
When DataMiner is started up, add the other admin account as a DataMiner user.
You should then be able to continuously logon with that second user you added, as the first one will be deleted again.
Please let me know if it wouldn't be clear, or you have some additional questions.

Hi Alex,
Great to hear!
We’ll make sure it’s resolved when release our new installer.
Hi Thibault
Thanks for the response. I have been using this workaround successfully during my last installs and upgrades. I have not needed to create local Windows Admins but simply creating a user in Cube and making the user Admin is working for us