Hello DOJO
Is it possible with gqi to join 2 tables by using a like clause ?
for example:
if the column in A is '448959-33445-35'. Then the join would match if column in B is either: '448959-33445-35.10/2024', '448959-33445-35.11/2024', or just '448959-33445-35'
I know it's possible with SQL like this :
SELECT * FROM TABLE a JOIN TABLE b ON b.column LIKE 'a.column +'%'
It would be very helpfull to know how to achieve this 🙂
I do not think a join with a like clause is possible in GQI. However, depending on the exact format of the column in A, you might be able to do a regex column manipulation on 'b.column' to extract the relevant information (like '448959-33445-35') into a new column (demonstrated below with another column)
and then join a and b on a.column and b.new_column.
Hi Joel,
You could achieve this by first using a Regex column manipulation and than join on the newly created column:
Hope this helps!
Best regards, Ward
Thanks to both of you.
This solution suits me very well for this specific case.
I think it will be part of many future usage. 🙂