Hi Dojo,
I want to transfer services and service templates to a Customer Dataminer Agent. For this we are using replicated elements (same name , same IDs). For this I am "uploading" the services XML files on the Target DMA.
To be able to see the newly "uploaded" services I am suppose to restart the Agent but for High Availability I would rather not. (If I restart the Agent everything works as expected.)
Is there a way to not restart the Agent and just a component ? so that the impact on the Customer to be minimum ?
Hi Daniel,
As far as I know you will need to restart the DMA to see the new services.
Instead of using replicated elements, maybe an option could be the solution described in this question: Service Template backup without services
You could export only the service template and import it in the target DMA. Then, using the CSV file, you can create the corresponding services. Since the name of the replicated and original elements are the same, you don't need to edit the CSV file.
Hope it helps.

Thank you Miguel.
Actually I am using the exact workflow you described and also Wouter’s workaround for the Template and it works as expected.
I just searching for a way on how to have a downtime as small as possible.