I've created a private filter which I'm unable to delete due to "filter in use". However, Cube doesn't tell me where it's in use and I never used it. It was acually created by mistake because it should have been a shared filter so I was going to delete it right away - but I can't. I'm able to edit it however - still with the caution notice that it is in use.
Is it possible to find out where it possibly thinks it is in use?
I guess if I really want to delete it, I have to manually delete the xml in my user folder on all DMA:s in the DMS? But still - there would be a reference to it somewhere?
Running DM 10.4 CU1.

It's an alarm filter in alarm console. I created it from the alarm console but I'm not able to delete the filter (from the list of available filters in the alarm console) using your documented method (chosing the saved filter – click pen – delete)
The filter itself wasn't complicated – just a "Severities" "equals to" as content
And here's a screenshot.
So my question is if I can find out where DataMiner thinks it is in use - because I am sure I didn't use it anywhere before I tried to delete it.
I created a new private filter which I then deleted after verifying in Tools > "clean up unused" that it was not in use (I deleted it through alarm console filter dialogue though). This means that it's not a general problem but an issue with a single filter.
The filter I have a problem with does not show up in the unused filter list and when I try to delete it, the dialogue just says "Filter is in use" but not where.
I have actually restarted both the cube client and the DMA, if there's somehing cashed.
The filter XML is present in my Skyline user folder C:\Skyline DataMiner\users\myusername\Filters and it looks fine - it has my username as "CreatedBy" and "ModifiedBy" as expected.
My basic question is if I can somehow find out where DataMiner thinks it's in use - where it has gotten stuck and hopefully "unstick" the filter from whereever.
The boring and cumbersome solution might be to remove the xml from 20 DMA if I really want the filter gone from the list - however there will still be a hidden reference to the filter somewhere probably.
I want to remove this filter because I wan't to created a shared filter with the same name. I side question: Is it possible to have a private and a shared filter with the same name?
Hi Roger,
I ran a test on my side, and it worked as expected (I'm using version
When I attempted to delete the filter, I encountered the following:
Could you share what you’re seeing on your end? This might help us pinpoint the issue.
Kind regards,
Hi Roger,
Could you clarify what type of filter are you referring to?
Feel free to share any additional details about where or how the filter was created or edited.