Hello Dojo,
We are unable to deploy application package from the DataMiner Catalog (IDP Application Package) to our staging DMA running version The cloud connection is valid but the admin portal shows that the following DeployToDma exception is thrown during the package deployment:
{ "errorMessage": "Unexpected exception occurred", "exceptionMessage": "StatusCode: UnknownError, DebugMessage: A unknown exception occurred in CoreGateway: The file C:\\Skyline DataMiner\\AppPackages\\Uploads\\IDP_v1.5.0_8c5c073ee96d402f8a73c6797dda3e0f\\IDP.dmapp could not be unzipped., DmaId: 26604", "stackTrace": " at ArtifactDeployer.Services.CoreGateWayResponseHandler.Implementations.CoreGateWayResponseHandler.Handle[TReq,TResp](ICoreGatewayRequestExecutor coreGatewayRequestExecutor, TReq request, MessageParser`1 responseParser, String topicId)\r\n at ArtifactDeployer.Deployer.Implementations.AppPackageDeployer.Deploy(String deploymentId, EventingInfo eventingInfo, ArtifactInfo info, String artifactLocation, DeployContext context)\r\n at ArtifactDeployer.Handler.Implementations.DeploymentHandlerEventingDecorator.<>c__DisplayClass7_0.<<DeployArtifactAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext()\r\n--- End of stack trace from previous location ---\r\n at ArtifactDeployer.Handler.Implementations.DeploymentHandlerEventingDecorator.CaptureExceptionAsync(ContextType contextType, Func`1 action)" }
I tried manually running the :\\Skyline DataMiner\\AppPackages\\Uploads\\IDP_v1.5.0_8c5c073ee96d402f8a73c6797dda3e0f\\IDP.dmapp file but it also fails.
I have verified that all relevant DataMiner services are running as well as NAT and NATS too, and there are no RTEs shown in the Cube.
Thank you.
Hi Pawel
Would you have by any chance the dmapp open in 7zip or something similar when you tried to manually install it? Cause that locks the file which can result in that error message.
I'm not too familiar with how the package itself gets deployed from the Cloud so not sure why it fails there.

Glad it got resolved!
Hi Michiel,
I managed to install the package manually after:
– Restarting the VM
– Manually deleting the package folder from C:Skyline DataMinerAppPackagesUploads
-Installing the IDP-Migration package
-Manually running the DMAPP file in the IDP Package (which had been copied from the ‘Uploads’ folder prior to deleting it).