I'm having issues with local DMA where I get error "Retrieving the service definitions failed." upon opening the Cube. I have Elasticsearch installed locally and everything worked fine until I installed Hyper-V and virtual adapters with it. I tried reinstalling the Elasticsearch and the issue was fixed but only until the first restart of the system. I have checked other similar questions, but none of them seem to work in my case.
This is the error I get in SLErrors:
This is the error I used to get before I deleted these interfaces from regedit(they were empty, and there were multiple interfaces this is just one of them):
SLASPConnection.txt|SLASPConnection.exe 10.3.2243.15574|9652|30792|CServiceModule::LoadIPAddresses|ERR|-1|Error 2 while fetching IP adapter info for SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tcpip\\Parameters\\Interfaces\\{065D3EB3-4F67-46C1-9415-DE43DAD5EC42} (DHCP=1)
These are alarms I get in the Cube:

I am using localhost in DB.xml, I am wondering where this IP is coming from too. I feel like important part is that everything was working fine before I installed Hyper-V, so I’m guessing the issue has to do something with that, but I’ve been known to be wrong in the past.
Elastic was installed as standalone and not through DataMiner Cube, because Cube doesn’t allow Cassandra and Elastic to be on the same drive.
Hi Edib,
I believe this IP is coming from inter node communication.
The node is trying to sniff the cluster configuration.
The virtual adapters are messing with Elastic's IP.
I have the same problem when running elasticsearch inside docker containers.
I solved it by filling in the following settings:
network.publish_host=<the ip from the right adapter>

This is the solution. I didn’t want to hard code the IP address so I used _local_ instead and it seems to be working. I say seems to because after I changed the IP from to IP of the adapter it worked, but then when I changed it back to it still worked, I guess some caching is happening. Also I didn’t have to configure publish_port but I will experiment more with it later, for now this is fine. Thank you.
Hi Edib,
Small question, checking quickly the error from SLErrors I see the following address: 172.27.240:9200. Since you are running an Elasticsearch node locally, is it not an option to use localhost ( in DB.xml?