Hi All.
We noticed a problem when editing and saving the dashboard in DMA as below.
The connection is interrupted and pages or tables created in the dashboard are not saved.
Where could the problem be ?
Big tahnks for help.

As this question has now been open for a long time and there has been no further reaction from you, I will now close it. If you do wish to investigate this further, feel free to post a new question or contact techsupport@skyline.be for assistance.
Hi Jarek,
A 504 error indicates a timeout has occurred. Can you use the devtools of your browser to check which request that causes this? You can find how to open them using chrome on this page, the network request can be seen using a separate tab at the top of the panel.
Hi Wout
Does Microsoft server have any problem ? (
You can see on the screenshot as below.

Hi Jarek,
Can you check if the ‘UpdateApplication’ call is the only call going into timeout. I also see some different calls in red.
Hi Jarek,
I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Do you still need help with this? If yes, could you answer Wout’s last question below? Or if this has been resolved, could you select the answer to close the question?