Hi Dojo,
I have two elements of the same protocol type and version. (for reference: Satcom Technologies NetMAC). They both have trend settings that are equal, monitoring the same parameters from two different antennas for real-time and average.
I have checked both parameters and they have the same update rate in the elements.
However when opening the Trend for those parameters, one will only show average and the other will show real-time. (Setting Show most detail data on).
The screenshot below shows them both combined (they also look like this individually):
When trying to Export to CSV for the last 24 hours for the blue one it comes out empty:
The green one is however just fine:
Any suggestions to why this is?
Hi Lilly,
That seems odd indeed. We'll have to investigate what causes this. Would it be possible to create a Collaboration task please and assign it to domain.create.data-insights?
task 192194