I have an issue with parameter names being truncated.
HVAC 1 CONTROL displays as HVAC 1...ONTROL
HVAC 2 CONTROL displays as HVAC 2...ONTROL
and so forth. I'm floored that ... is deemed needed instead of a space and a C: " C"
I read on this post https://community.dataminer.services/question/display-text-limit/ that "Text trimming should only happen when there is not enough space to show both the name & Value. We give priority to showing the value and start trimming the name when needed."
This is in Dataminer 10.4 with cube client 10.5.2
However the buttons START STOP have heaps of space!
Is there any trickery I can use to make this not truncate.
Hi Sam,
One option is to display the parameters in one column instead of two columns per page. That way, you will have enough space between the parameter description and the value and hence the parameter description will be displayed in full text.