How does trending work when enabling it on a param that is defined as text & displayed as discreet.
Does this work for real-time and/or avg trending?
In case of Avg: how does it calculate?
For example:
Hi Mieke,
Trending for discreets is identical regardless of whether the value is an int or a string.
Average calculation is done based on time. if during e.g. a 5 min time interval the value was "ON" for 3 minutes and "OFF" for two minutes, it was "ON" most of the time, and that value will be used as average.

To add onto this, the minimum and maximum value will contain the % of time this avg value was ongoing and the median value (aka the value that occurred the most, not necessarily the longest).
In cube, the % of time is shown by drawing an average background hue whenever this value is not 100%.