I can add up the total number of errors for the channels and display them on this chart ?
Should I sum two queries and how to do it ? .
One thing I have is the number of CC errors for channels in 24 hours, and how to add total information for all CC errors , how to sum them up?
Big Thanks for help.
Hi Jarek,
To calculate the total number of errors you can use the Aggregate operator.
For example, in the image I'm using the aggregate operator to calculate the sum of all Egress bitrates of my interfaces:
Does this work for your use-case?
Best regards, Ward

Why do you want to show them both in one pie-chart?
As far as I understand currectly, you want to have the number of errors per channel in a pie chart and also want to visualize the total number of errors (across all channels) in the same pie chart? If that’s the case, the full pie (= all segments together) should already be the same as the number of all errors. Best regards, Ward
Yes, But I can’t do that on one chart 🙁
I don’t know how to combine it …

Hi Jarek, It, unfortunately, won’t be possible to combine both metrics in the one pie chart.
What you could is calculate the total in a seperate query and visualize that in a state component, for example. Than you have a clear indication what the total number of errors is on your dashboard. If you then want to identify what channel is responsible for the most errors, you can inspect the pie chart. Would this work for you? Best regards, Ward
Hi Ward.
Yes, I understood.
Thanks for the help 🙂
Hi Ward.
Can I join these two queries and show in one chart, i.e
number of CC errors for channels and number of total errors ?