Hi All.
I have a problem, I can't take the parameters for the query : Get DCF connection.
I don't see any displayed parameters in the table.
I need this to create: Basic node edge graph layout and its connections
Big thanks for help.

Yes, I have.
I also don’t see: DCF Interface in the men : QUERIES

DCF interfaces are currently in soft launch through GQI. You can enable the ‘GenericInterface’ soft launch option to retrieve them. More info here: https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Reference/Soft-launch_options/Activating_Soft_Launch_Options.html?q=softlaunch and https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Reference/Soft-launch_options/Overview_of_Soft_Launch_Options.html

Hi Jarek,
I see that this question has been inactive for some time now. Do you still need help with this? If yes, what happened when you tried the client test tool as Sebastiaan suggested? Or if this question can be closed, could you select the most helpful answer?

As this question has now been open for a long time and there has been no further reaction from you, I will now close it. If you still want more information about this, could you post a new question?
Hi Sebastiaan.
My test done as below:
I don't have the file C:\Skyline DataMiner\SoftLaunchOptions.xml in my system.
Can you send me what an example looks like?
Big thanks for help.

You can create the xml file with the following content: https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Reference/Soft-launch_options/Activating_Soft_Launch_Options.html
You can remove the “CloudConnectedAgents” entry and change the second entry to contain “GenericInterface” instead of “AlarmSquashing”.
Do note that the DMA and web server both require a restart.
after creating this file as in the screenshot and restarting DMA, I have a problem with Elements as above in the message. Problem: lack of communication with Elements.
Have I created the file incorrectly?

Apologies, my answer got interpreted as html so you couldn’t actually see the raw content.
I can’t display parameters such as :
Source ID, Destination ID and other …. in table from MENU QUERIES for DCF connection.
I don’t known where is problem …
Something new in my topic ?
Hi Jarek, can you confirm you have connections in Cube?