We have a Multi-Threaded timer within an Enhanced Service/Workflow. The timer is triggered to start/stop based on a click of 2 buttons in a single Write Param.
The Timer starts without any issues when clicking the Start button and runs the code in the configured QA. However, restarting the enhanced service while the timer is running is halting the system and the logs would show that the system is trying to stop the timer. Also, trying to stop the timer using the stop button is failing to interrupt the timer.
Could you check the below snippets and see if there is anything I may be missing, please?
The Timer and Group:
<Timer id="1003" options="ip:3600,0;ignoreIf:3,0;each:60000;pollingRate:30,10,10;threadPool:5">
<Name>Workflow Timer(1m) - Multi-thread Timer</Name>
</Timer><Group id="1003">
<Name>On Workflow Timer Group</Name>
<Description>On Workflow Timer Group</Description>
<Trigger id ="1803">
<Name> Validation Engine - Start Validation</Name>
<On id="1803">parameter</On>
<Condition><![CDATA[id:1803 == 1]]></Condition>
</Trigger><Trigger id ="1804">
<Name> Validation Engine - Stop Validation Trigger</Name>
<On id="1803">parameter</On>
<Condition><![CDATA[id:1803 == 0]]></Condition>
<Action id="1803">
<Name>Validation Engine - Start Validation</Name>
<On id="1003">timer</On>
</Action><Action id="18030">
<Name>Validation Engine - Stop Validation</Name>
<On id="1003">timer</On>
The QAction where the needed code is:
<QAction id="1004" name="Workflow" encoding="csharp" options="group" triggers="1003" row="true">
<Condition><![CDATA[id:1302 == 1]]></Condition>
Hi Saddam, we will create a task to investigate this internally. Thank you for your availability in providing the connectors.