Is there a requirement to purchase additional licenses for a staging platform so that it replicates the production DMS? E.g. SRM, IDP etc.
No, the single staging license enables all licenses on the staging server, related to DataMiner options, that are purchased for the production environment. If e.g. IDP license is activated on the production DMA, it will be activated on the staging DMA as well.

Hi Miguel. It depends how the staging will be used. Typically this will be a test server with less instances, less concurrent SRM sessions, etc. In this case the HW requirements could be lower than the production DMA. However, if for a valid reason the staging DMA is to be configured as a “copy-paste” of the production DMA, then the HW requirements will be the same indeed.
Hi Sammy,
Thanks for your answer. I have a question related to the hardware requirements for the Staging server. In this case, since the SRM, IDP licences will be active on Staging, does it mean that the hardware requirements in the Staging server will need to be the same as production?