We pretend to create a script to update all the resources (destination and source) of a matrix to avoid any mismatching mnemonic.
As you guys can see on the screenshot attached, to create a resource of a matrix, on the Device tab, we link the matrix on the element field and the output/input on the instance parameter;
To make it more “friendly” to the costumer, on the General tab, we gave a label (name) which matches with the physical matrix mnemonical.
After some tests, we noted that there was some outputs with a different label if compered with the physical matrix due a change made by the costumer; Our point is: Is it possible to create a script which will read all the inputs or outputs of a matrix and them update the resource name according to it?
Hello Jorge,
Sorry for the delay! When we tried to validate the script, we found the error shown on the screenshot attached; There is any documentation for this FunctionResourceExposers? Do we have to use a specific lib?
Thank you! Regards,
You need to include the following:
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.ResourceManager.Objects;
Class FunctionResourceExposers belongs to that namespace.