We would like to search specific contributing resources. To do this we like to use the same mechanism as to search (eligible) normal resources by mapping capabilities.
This means we need to add capabilities + set the value to the contributing resource.
How can this be done?
For contributing bookings, there's the possibility to run a script after a booking is converted to contributing.
Just need to define the script to execute in the Contributing Configuration property.
When defining this setting using the placeholder [RESOURCEID] it will be possible to retrieve the resource associated with the contributing booking which can then be adjusted to add the desired capabilities.
E.g. "Script:SRM_DummyScript||DummyParameterName=[RESOURCEID]"

Hi André,
I’ve tried 2 different approaches but I am still failing to set capabilities on the contributing resources holding data that is calculated in the custom booking wizard.
approach 1:
– custom booking wizard creates contributing booking
– custom booking wizard try-gets the contributing resource
– custom booking wizard add the capability param with a value. (in my case matrix input Id that should be used)
Result: capability is not added to the generated resource. I do see 3 other capabilities of which I do not know where they come from. The info event show that the SRM_ConvertToContributing was run after the booking wizard created both contributing and main booking.
approach 2: using the Created Booking Action property on the contributing node in the main service definition.
– Via this way: how do I pass the dynamic data that is calculated in the booking wizard. So far I see I need to hardcode this in the node property.