Hi there,
We are using silent booking to book events into the SRM booking manager. Recently, we have been having issues where an event will not book in SRM at the requested time. After it fails to book, manual booking will also not work and there is no error message present, simply nothing happens.
The only way to resolve this is by deleting anything any surrounding bookings of this event on the same resource and then booking again. On occasion, we do have back-to-back events with a buffer between the two of 5 seconds between the end time of the first event and the start time of the second event. Is it possible that this may be causing issues?
Thank you in advance,

Hi Tyler,
If deleting bookings that use the same resource fixes the issue it seems to indicate that there is overbooking of a resource at some point, though to further debug we will need more information.
On your silent booking script if you use method BookingManager.CreateNewBooking you should receive an exception with more details, if you can post the stack trace would help us to point out the root cause. If you use method BookingManager.TryCreateNewBooking you need to have logging enabled on that booking manager, then you will need to search for the correct log file (search by time is the easiest way) in the windows folder.
I see that this question has been inactive for some time. If you still need help with this, could you answer Jorge’s questions below? Or if you have found the solution in the meantime, could you select the answer to indicate that this question is resolved, or post how you managed to solve this, for the reference of other users?