Hello All,
We have 2x Cisco switches that are both SNMPV3 enabled.
Both switches use the Cisco Manager driver.
SNMPV3 has been set up on both switches.
One switch has comms with DM ('green' & pulling data from the switch).
The other switch is 'green' but also has the 'lost comms' orange cross.
When I open the 'lost comms' element, it pulls device info (CPU level) but nothing else.
What could be the SNMPV3 comms issue with the second switch, please?
Hi Mark,
SNMPv3 is a security model in which an authentication strategy is set up for a user and the group in which the user resides. The security level is the permitted level of security within a security model. A combination of a security model and a security level determines which security mechanism is used when handling an SNMP packet.
In other words, you can define what data can be accessed by a specific SNMPv3 user on your Cisco IOS system.
Can you check your SNMP configuration on your switch using the following commands in privileged exec mode:
show run | include snmp-server
show snmp group
The first command should indicate in which group the SNMP user is present.
The second command should show which view rights the group has assigned.
Finally using the following command, you can see what access rights the view defined in the group has:
show snmp view

Hi Mark,
You can export a list of elements in your system.
To do this, please follow these steps:
1. Open the root view in the surveyor
2. Navigate to the element subsection through the navigation menu on the left-hand side
3. Use the filter box in the upper right-hand corner to filter on SNMP
4. Use Ctrl-A to select all results
5. Using the context-menu (right-click) and select Actions -> export.
6. Choose Export to a comma-separated file
7. Choose the “Data as displayed on view card” option in the what section
8. click the export button
Hello Ive,
Thank you.
Is it possible to export a list of all the elements using SNMP please (irrespective of version)?