I'm setting up an SNMP Manager for one of our Dataminer Clusters and have been successfully sending traps to our ticketing system downstream. We're needing to add 2 additional custom bindings that we have in 3 of our other systems but for some reason after adding the bindings in the SNMP Forwarder (bindings table shown below) they still don't show up in our outbound traps in Wireshark. This system is running Dataminer version 10.0.13 and we're looking at upgrading in the next couple of weeks. I really don't want to wait to see if the upgrade resolves this. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Joe,
Could you try adjusting the custom bindings following the specifications for the element properties (Syntax of OIDs referring to properties)? The OIDs shown above appear to be missing parts of the "Property" and "Type of Property" syntax.

Rene I went ahead and updated the binding entries in the SNMP Manager.xml file and then restarted the DMA. This cleared the issue and as expected I’ll need to update this file on the other DMAs as well. Thanks for identifying the issue. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Joe, Great to hear that you were able to find the right solution. Always happy to help!
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Thanks Rene. I compared this custom binding with the ones we created in our other clusters and I can see now that it’s formatted incorrectly. I didn’t create this binding though. It’s created automatically by Dataminer when I add the new custom property label to the element. I see that the binding is listed in the SNMP Managers.xml file. Is it simply an edit to the 2 bindings there, then a restart of the DMA? Will I need to do this on every DMA or will the update on one be applied to the others? Let me know.