I'm able to login in web app and dataminer cube app, but while I'm trying to login in Alerter App, I'm always getting incorrect username or password error message. Even I'm putting right credential. Please help here.
I'm using Ziine server.
Dear Vikas,
Thanks for using our "dojo community platform" to discuss dataminer related maters. It helps our whole community worldwide!
For your information, Ziine is just a reference platform, where people have only limited rights.
Options to use Ziine for a training purposes are limited, so it's recommended that you setup your own instance of DataMiner to play with it and learn faster to get trained on because at the end, you will have to learn that how to add elements, change alarm thresholds, create automation scripts, create Visio graphics etc. these all are possible on dataminer instance not on Ziine.
For now, you can request a demo license from Sales, but very soon the users will be able to download their own dataminer instance fully independent.
I hope this helps. Cheers ! happy DataMining 🙂

Thank you, Pramod.
Sure, we’ll install dataminer and will raise request for license.