I want to show/hide a shape based on a session variable.
I have 2 butons:
- SetVar MyVar:1
- SetVar MyVar:0
The shape has shape data:
Hide [Var:MyVar] ????
What do I need to add to show/hide the shape depending on the session variable?
Thanks in advance
Hi John,
You should use Extended conditional shape manipulation actions | DataMiner Docs for this. This is nicely documented and should look something like this:
Hide : <A>-A|Value|[var:MyVar]|=0
Do note that 'Hide' first loads the shape and then hides it after the condition is fulfilled. When you have a big Visio, then you'll see this effect. You can also inverse the condition and use 'Show' instead. It depends on your use case and preference.
Kind Regards,

Hi Jarno,
This is what I was looking for, thanks it is working!
I will test between the Hide and Show