I'm generating shapes based on rows in a table. A few of the shapes has the Execute shape data property. However nothing happens when you actually click (or even hover) the generated shapes.
In order to make this work, you need a combination of following shape data on the child shapes (= buttons on which you applied the 'Execute' shape data):
Enabled True
Options NoCopyElementProperty
This should link the shapes to the Execute actions instead of acting as an element navigation button.
The 'Execute' shape data field should be added at the child-level shape data that represents a table row i.e where you define ChildType etc. I dont think you need to define the 'enabled=true' option.
I would need multiple (different) Executes per row though. Would that be possible?

If I understand you correctly you then want each shape to execute a different Automation script. I dont think that will be possible.
What you could possibly do is pass on additional information in the ‘Execute’ shape data like a paramater value in a row to your Automation script and deal with that logic there to then call different scripts based on the value passed to it.
I have (at least) two buttons per row so I would need to be able to execute two different SETs per row.
Hi Robin,
Does any of the parent shapes have the "enabled=false" shape data? In that case, this behavior is inherited by the table row shapes. You can work around this by adding "enabled=true" to the shapes, this will override the inherited behavior.
I had not added Enabled=false to any shape or shape group, however explicitly setting Enabled=True did enable interactivity. However the shapes just link to the element which contains the linked table. The Execute command is not executed.
The combination of this shape data made my buttons not render. What did I miss?
EDIT: Nevermind, was using Read param. I changed it to the Write param and it seems to work.