Hi all,
we have an implementation/connector where a parameter can be set by the user by right click context menu (starting/stopping/pausing encoding instances):
Now we want to implement a different way to enable the user to simply click a button in the visual overview to achieve this, so no navigation to the parameter table is necessary. However, the "usual" Execute shapa data in Visio does not seem to work (Linking a shape to a SET command | DataMiner Docs).
Anyone has any clue how this could work?

Hi Toon,
thanks a lot! You’re colleague Koen is already involved, and right now the approach is to proceed as described below. This has been implemented as of today, but does not seem to work yet – I’m sure this can be fixed. Then we have a parameter that can be set by execute shape data.
Hi Nils,
The actions in the contextmenu on a table parameter can be used for more complex scenarios than a simple parameter set action. They can require multiple arguments, directly invoke a QAction in the protocol and can optionally provide feedback from that QAction. This functionality is not available from a visio shape.
However, if the actions are rather simple like in your case (no arguments, no feedback), you could duplicate them in a new column with a button write parameter with 3 discretes. This will add a column in the table with 3 buttons that you can optionally hide if the user should only use the contextmenu. Once you have this additional parameter with its own QAction, you can can easily perform a SET command on it from a visio shape.

Hi Bert,
thanks for your input! Do I understand correctly that what you are describing is a modification of the connector itself? Or is that something possible to implement on user level?
This would indeed require some changes in the connector.
This should definitely be possible with a Visual Overview Execute shape. Feel free to edit your answer with what you have currently (your shape, the context, the shape data…) and I’ll try to help you further.