Normally to do this I would use group shape data:
- Children: ROW
- ChildrenSource: */8500
And child shape data:
- ChildType: ROW
- Parameter: 8502,[tableIndex]
Now that this element is in a Service (With child element alias "TXA"), I would expect to be able to update this field:
- ChildrenSource: TXA/8500
But this doesn't seem to work. I imagine I'm missing something simple. Any ideas?
It turns out that aliased elements can be used inside the ChildrenSource shape data. It wasn't working in this case due to fetching filtered data from a partial table. Adding the FORCEFULLTABLE=TRUE to the SubscriptionFilter shape data resolved the problem.
Hi Nick,
You can use the same neat trick as has been used here:
The idea is to create a child shape inside your aliased element shape and then use a combination of [this elementID] together with the ForcePropertyFromParent option.
Something I just found in the user guide, is it says under ChildrenSource: “Instead of the actual element name, you can specify an element alias from a particular service.”
I’m not sure if this is a newer feature (We’re on v10.4.0.0) or if I’m not reading that correctly, but that seems to say you can use element aliases in service Visios.

That seems to be correct. I have just recreated such a setup locally and it looks to be working okay. I suggest to debug some more by adding some other shapes on every level. This allows you to verify that you’re looking at the expected object. For instance, show the name of the TXA element on the group, show the [this elementID] in the text of the inner group data, etc.
Thank you, I finally figured it out. The table in question was a Partial Table, so adding SubscriptionFilter: FORCEFULLTABLE=TRUE fixed it.
This also works without the need for the workaround!

Alright, great to hear that it’s resolved! I’ll update the answer to reflect our investigation.
Thank you for the link, I’ve tried it out and it doesn’t appear to be working. Here is what I did:
Outer Group data:
– Element: TXA
Inner Group data:
– Children: ROW
– ChildrenSource: [this elementID]/8500
– Options: ForcePropertyFromParent
Inner Shape data:
– ChildType: ROW
– Parameter: 8502,[tableIndex]
However no inner shapes are being generated, I’ve double checked and there are 4 rows in this table within the service. Do you see what the issue might be?