Hi all,
Im trying to create a service template that operates over a Kubernetes Manager element.
It takes a Label "key" and "value" as Inputs, and the intention is to show a filtered table of PODs which have that key/value label attached to it. (Same for the table of Nodes but I'll ignore that for simplicity).
This is the Generated Service after I apply the Service Template with Label Key = "app" and Label Value = "mediakind"
At the moment, I can display the "Label POD table" which contains Label "Keys" and "Values", and POD ids, as expected.
But now I'd like the same table to include not only POD ids, but also the POD name, POD namespace, etc... which are all available on the "PODs Table".
This is where table JOIN operations comes to mind. Are this types of operations possible at a Service Template level? If not, is there any way to achieve the described outcome?
Bonus Question: It seems I can only filter table parameters on Display Key. Any reason why I can't filter on any other column?
Thanks in advance.

Hi Rene. Thanks for engaging. The user wants to easily create a DataMiner service that lists PODs and Nodes that have a certain Label. Being able to dynamically generate such service is key. Service Templates do this, as well as allowing you to show/hide specific parameters (and table rows). But not much more than that as it seems?
Thanks in advance.
As far as I'm aware you can't JOIN anything in the service template itself since this is mainly to collect the data from the different elements/services, this doesn't really have any visualization possibilities
If you want to properly visualize service data several things come to my mind:
-Viso files on top of the services that nicely represents the data
-GQI as Rene mentioned
-Create an enhanced service driver where you could make a JOIN of those tables
Any specific reason why the data needs to be presented via a service? Since joins are required, GQI immediately comes to mind.