I have an element with 2 tables. Table A and Table B.
Table A has an index key of a string combination of gateway_antenna information.
Example: gateway AA_BB_CC, antenna DD. Hence, setRow using key "AA_BB_CC" + "_" + DD (AA_BB_CC_DD)
Table B has an index key of only gateway information. AA_BB_CC.
I created a service template for this element because I wanted to have different service view based on each GATEWAY information. In the service template, I defined 2 input data: Gateway and Servicename. Servicename is just an input in which the view is being called. What matter most is the gateway which user can enter the specific gateway they want to create.
In the child element, I specified to use some parameters in which inside I include the table columns I want to have and in the included parameter:
I specified included rows: [data:Gateway]* for parameter in Table A (with key AA_BB_CC_DD).
I specified included rows: [data:Gateway] for parameter in Table B (with key AA_BB_CC).
Then, I start to apply this service template.
I specify the Gateway with user input: AA_BB_CC.
Here comes the issue:
After it is created I noticed the column row for Table B is correct with showing only results for AA_BB_CC. However, for Table A there is an empty result. I tried duplicating it as a regular service and try playing around with the parameters for Table A such as changing it to [data:Gateway]_*, it is still showing empty result. But when I use included row: *. it gives me some result which is wrong and incomplete.
Do you know where did I do wrong? I need some help and support for Table A result as Table B is correct.

Hi Zhing,
I'm not seeing any immediate reason as to what could be wrong.
My suggestion here would be to further try and experiment with a regular service that only has a filter on columns for Table A:
- AA_BB_CC_*
- *AA_BB_CC_* (maybe the keys start with invisible whitespace)
If the table has display keys next to primary keys, see if the option to use primary keys can help. You can enable the same option in service templates by prefixing your filter with ^pk^
Once that is sorted out and the regular service shows expected data, you should be able to create the service template with the same filter format. A service template is basically a fancy way to generate a regular service.
Hope this helps
Hi Wouter, Thank you so much for your reply. I tried your suggestion by testing the filter for the TABLE using regular templates.
Both filter does not work. However, i found something stranger. Instead of showing all the column I used 1 of the columns to test the filter. I used a column called AntennaID in Table A which has the value example DD,EE etc… and in the filter i used * (which I expect all the information of should be displayed)
Here’s the result (3 columns were showed):
DisplayKey (grey color key icon) – showing result for the antennaID: EE,FF
AntennaID – showing result for the DisplayKey used for Table A (Gateway + ‘_’ + antennaID) AA_BB_CC_DD
Another DisplayKey (Gold key icon) – showing the same result for antennaID (same value as grey key icon DisplayKey – first column)
Do you know what could be the issue here? Maybe this could provide more information to solve the overall problem I have.
Hi Zhing,
Sorry about the delay.
The fact that three columns show up is expected, as the primary and display key columns always get added automatically even when not selected explicitly.
From what I understand, the value of the key columns (with the grey and gold icons) is not what is expected? They have “EE” and “FF” while you were expecting AA_BB_CC_EE / AA_BB_CC_FF to be in there?
The key columns (with key icon) are the ones used for filtering a table in services, so not having “AA_BB_CC_” in there might be the reason why the filters are not working out as expected.
You might want to check what the full table looks like in the source element, more specifically the key columns. Check if it the values correspond to what you saw in the filtered table.
If there is a difference in value, there might be either a software problem or a problem with the connector table configuration.
If the key values in the raw table are also just “EE” and “FF”, I’m afraid that the connector might need an update to allow the type of filtering you want.
Hope this helps
I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Have you been able to solve this based on Wouter’s answer? If yes, could you select the answer to indicate that this question is resolved?