Some services are only active if they are scheduled. The service ID is unknown to the receiver if the service is not active so we added this value to the temporary services by hand.
The service template removes this manually added value because the value it finds is "" or null (not sure). The current property value syntax is: [element:1:param:8256:*[data:Sencore Service Name:]*] (It looks for the service by name, but can't find it if it's not active, no PID is returned)
I want the property to remain untouched if no new value was found, is that possible?
I'm assuming that you are referring to re-applying a service template for an already created service.
While re-applying, all placeholders indeed get re-evaluated. There is no option to skip some.
The only workarounds I can think of to would be to either not define the service id property value in the service template definition and fill out the properties manually on all of the generated services (re-apply will then keep existing property values), or to have another way to always grab the service id out of the element (e.g. if the service id can be persistently stored in a property on the element, the service template could refer there instead of to the parameter value). Not sure of any of these would work for your scenario.

Hi Demuynck,
thank you for the swift answer. Too bad.
Good suggestion, already working on a shape that will dynamically pull the value from the table.
Happy holidays