I am provisioning Services in a QAction based on a JSON input. The services do not need to be on a specific DMA in the cluster and the elements that are included in the service can be spread out across the cluster.
Is there a good way to create the services evenly across the DMAs in the cluster?
You can apply the same logic we do in our service template logic. Identify which DMA hosts the most elements that the service should contain and place the service there. If there is a tie you can start looking at frequency changes / existing load.
If you include parameters that will/could generate more service state changes over another prefer to make the DMA that hosts that element also the service host.
If you include an element dynamically prefer to make that DMA the host.
Try to load balanced if all else ties across the DMS.
Hi Davy, thanks for taking the time to answer.
As there is a possibility of tie for “which DMA hosts the most elements” of the service, breaking the tie via existing load could be good.
Is there a way to check this in a QAction?

That would be mostly driver specific I think, I do not think we have this information readily available in API calls at the moment. Elements like DCM, bridge tech probes, cisco managers are typically heavier than lets say IRDs.
To add to Joshua’s question, the intention is to seek best practice with creation of Services. The number of services that needs to be created programmatically is quite high (few thousand) and we would like to create them in a way that would maximize performance from a multi-DMA DMS.