Hi Dojo,
I'm reviewing the "ConnectionSettings" over a number of DMAs belonging to different clusters, with the aim of reverting to the default condition and use Eventing whenever the related ports are allowed.
Question 1: if I can use different DMAs to access the same DMS, shall I replicate the "Eventing" config line on all the DMAs? Or will there be a sync once one DMA is reverted to "Eventing" by default?
Question 2: are there any other settings (in the DMA or in the CUBE app) that can overrule the Eventing config line in ConnectionSettings?
Based on this page, the settings to use eventing by default were in the folder
C:\Skyline DataMiner\Webpages\
Does it mean that the settings in C:\Skyline DataMiner\Webpages\ConnectionSettings.txt can be ignored or overruled when connecting through the CUBE desktop client (not a webpage)?
Asking as I have a specific subset of agents where changing the above line doesn't change the behaviour found at connection with CUBE (an old server in staging) - on other servers, instead, the config line in ConnectionSettings.txt has a valid polling interval, e.g. 2000ms, but clients can connect in Eventing - so I'm figuring out if any other server side config can be present, outside of the above file, or if specific user-groups on the CUBE side may overrule server configs - any steer will be helpful.
Hi Alberto,
It is possible to define the connection settings on the client side. If you want to change this you can hold the SHIFT button when it is logging into the cluster. Then you will have the cogwheel at the right bottom where you can change it. If the 'auto' option is defined, then it should use by default whatever you define in the ConnectionSettings.txt
Thanks Michiel & Thanks Bert- looks like the optimum compromise in this target environment will be to to keep the default connection on the DMAs and use the CUBE settings where this needs to be different (for any given reason) – so I’ll use the info from both answers here.
To have multiple DMA’s in your system with different connection settings I believe it is possible as I did not immediately see it in the syncinfo file, but I’m not 100% sure if the midnight sync might still sync it.