Hi all,
What is the best way to have a feature where the user selects multiple values from a list/discreet to set/send the combined value to a device? Currently, I believe there is no option to have a checkbox for multiple values in a protocol parameter. For example the user needs to pick multiple days from the days of the week and that list will be combined and sent (the order doesn't matter).
It is possible to add a simple string write parameter where the user will need to type the days separated by a certain character but the user prefers not to type each day.
Is there another way to achieve this?
You could do a parameter with a checkbox for each option and then use a QAction to combine the values into a single string.

You would write a parameter for each option with a write parameter that is a toggle button, so one for sunday, one for monday, etc. and then in a QAction you can grab the values to create the list, so if the monday parameter was enabled, you could add monday to the list. I hope this clears up what I meant.

Thank you.
This seems the better option for my use case even if it is not a checkbox with one parameter and multiple choices.
Thanks for the response.
If you are referring to Creating a drop-down list with a check box (https://docs.dataminer.services/develop/devguide/Connector/UIComponentsDropDownList.html), this is possible only for one entry/discreet. You can't add multiple check boxes. Or is there another way?