We are testing this driver and the port/Measurement point configuration does not operate as expected. If one port is selected and configured it does not read any trace, if a second port is selected the first port will start reading a trace. Which second port makes no difference.
How can it be configured to display the spectrum with a single port displayed.
I am aware this is an older version but our current main system version is limited until our hardware upgrade is completed.

Thanks for the link. Unfortunately it is not found.
Do you have another link ?
Most likely one of the Measurement Point actions did not do the set on the input switch correctly.
The Decimator 8 has an internal switch. Were you able to follow the link provided by Jim to configure the measurement points for setting the position of that switch?
If the problem is still present, can you send us a screenshot of the measurement point configuration?
Hello Neil,
Please see below the link where you can find the information regarding this matter. If after following the steps on the link, you still have some issues, please let us know.