A user asks,
Are shared dashboards always accessible from the internet and is password protection the only security or is it possible to add other levels of security, for example limit access on a network level?
Seeing as these dashboards will have direct control over some of our infrastructure as well as opens up a potential attack vector, could you give us any tips on how we could think regarding protecting the environment?
Shared dashboards are always accessible from the internet but you can put an expiration on the dashboard to protect yourselves.
Furthermore we have put an extra security measure in place for Shared dashboards called the Web Application Firewall (WAF). You can read more about this here: Cloud connectivity and security | DataMiner Docs.
It i snot possible to limit access on a network level unfortunately. The only control you have over a shared dashboard is who you share it with, so in the end you are responsible for not giving access to the dashboard to people that do not need it.
Hopefully this answer your questions.

MfA can be enforced through the identity provider that is being used, we cannot control this I believe.
Regarding the login with password, wouldn’t there be a way to also enforce multi-factor authentication?