If I know the Software version of the element (PIRD, Encoder) can i filter out only those type of Elements. if yes from where?

Hi Naveen,
Assuming that the software version of the element is retrieved by the element and available in a parameter (single or column parameter), you could use a GQI query to visualize (and filter) this information.
For example, you can proceed as follows:
- Create a GQI query using the data source 'Get Elements'. You could filter the result based on protocol.
- Create a GQI query using the data source 'Get parameters for elements': Here you can select the parameter that contains the software version.
- Perform an inner join operator based on these two queries. The link between these two GQI queries will be the element ID.
Below and example using the Cisco Manager connector:
Result (after the inner join):
In case the software version is available as element property, you could use the filter box to filter based on property value (Managing element properties)
Hope it helps.
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