I have an issue with SDI router, as some Destinations are frequently Lock and Unlock by itself by the Dataminer. Would you please suggest anything to be done?

Do note that these information events aren't generated by an automation script, but by a QAction sending a "NT_UPDATE_PORTS" message
Release note explaining the information event.
In your original screenshot it looks like it's only the first output that's toggling between locked and unlocked.
Since in the second screenshot the information events are coming every 12-13 seconds this might be an event from the device where we don't interprete the lock state of the first one correctly (this might be about a single bit in the response).
Since in your second screenshot I don't see any parameter set information message (unless you filtered them out), I would actually suggest to open a ticket with to investigate this in more detail.
Could you go to your alarm console and look to load the historical list of information messages, at around the time that these changed? Because that state did not change by itself, there must be something triggering that change, such as an automation script, or another user. And not sure what device this is, but if this is a reading from a device, then there is also the option that the value was changed in the device itself (front panel, other software controlling it).