I want to add in a text box for a parameter with a wildcard to read an RDS stream on a device.
I can retrieve the Parameter data in the text box, but it will only show enough depending on the size of the text box on the display.
Is it possible for this animation to occur?
Edit. I found "If a shape is linked to an object, you can configure the wrapping and trimming of the text displayed in the shape. This feature is available from DataMiner 10.3.0/10.2.3 onwards."
We are currently running 10.2.0 so It might not work. Configuring a shape's text wrapping and trimming | DataMiner Docs
Hi Nathan,
I tried to find something to show a Textbox multiline but wasn't able to get it. The only way forward would be to use the lines attribute | DataMiner Docs in your protocol parameter definition. If you parameter definition uses this attribute, you'll be able to have the parameter control in your Visio.
If you're looking for just a label, then you can get there by using a session variable. You can use Configuring a page to update a session variable when another session variable changes | DataMiner Docs on page level:
Execute: SET|CardVariable|myNewValue|[param:[this elementID],1]|SetTrigger=ValueChanged
Options: ExecuteSetsOnInit
On your page, you can have a simple shape to represent the textbox/label (Creating a text block control | DataMiner Docs). The text of the shape contains '[cardvar:myNewValue]' and the Shape Data you need for this is:
Options: Control=Textblock|VerticalScrollbarVisibility=Visible
Kind Regards,

Thank You Jarno!
That answer has inspired our team!