How to create your own scale in the dashboard charts?
Robin Debel [SLC] [DevOps Enabler] Answered question 24th July 2024
Hi Johnny,
Could you be a bit more specific on what scale you mean specifically? What is the use case you have in mind?
Robin Debel [SLC] [DevOps Enabler] Posted new comment 13th August 2024

I need to build several charts, and I need them to have the same scales on both the x and y axes so that visual comparison is intuitive and quick.

Hi Johnny,
As Sebastiaan mentioned, this is a feature that is currently on our backlog. We will post an update once it has been implemented
If this relates to defining a static Y-axis range on a trend chart, independent of its data, I can confirm that this is on our backlog. We’ll post an update here once it has been implemented.