Can all parameters against a profile instance be returned in a profile load script, even if they're empty (not configured)

Hi Philip,
You can use var allParameters = profileInstance.AppliesTo.Parameters; to know all the parameters that are configured in the ProfileDefinition to where the ProfileInstance applies.
Note that getting the parameters like that is not the advised way in a Profile Load Script, the advised way is to follow the logic in script SRM_ProfileLoadScriptTemplate that is provided with the SRM package.

Thanks Gorge,
I found that setting a parameter to hid from script in a profile instance exposes it to the automation script, though I suspect this is a bug

I found that profileInstance.FindAllParameters() returned all of the profile instance parameters and their settings that I need, then subsequently .Parameter got the base profile parameter details against each parameter returned in the IEnumerable to get the name, protocol parameter details etc, but I would prefer to keep this in the standard SRM logic
Hi Philip,
I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Do you still need help with this? If not, could you select Jorge’s answer to indicate that the question is resolved?