We have TAG elements that we have functions for the channels table, the table display key is made up of the primary key and the name, which is fine for our current implementation as the name doesn't change, but we want to change the name to the event name which is displayed on the mosaic, so the operational team know which pip is for which event.
Can we get the resource to use the primary key for the instance of the resource, or would we need to update/create new resources every time we need to update the name?

you can display the name of the channel on the TAG multiviewer against each pip, which requires either updating the name or creating a new channel.
This is purely so operation know which pip is which when looking at the monitoring wall.
We’re don’t need to see the event name in the resource manager, we’ll be adding a resource per TAG to each booking in some way or another, depending on the options available.
For anyone interested, the primary key from a table is used when linking to a resource virtual element.
resource details in the resources xml showing PK 491
resource device details in the resource manager
DEV table from the root element with the PK 491
DEV linker table from the root element showing PK 491 links to table 240 PK 1
Table 240 PK 1 from the root element
The display key in table 240 is made up of the primary key and the name column, which is what's displayed in the instance box of the resource device details in the resource manager.
Test has shown than changing the name, updates the display key, subsequently updating the value shown in the instance box of the resource, as the actual linking between the resource, DVE and root element uses primary keys; the resource manager only shows the display key, as it's usually the human readable key.
Hi Phil,
Is my understanding correct that you’d like to see to name of the event when looking at the resources in the resource manager, SRM booking manager, etc?